
Sunday, July 07, 2013

Best Cookies EVER! Gina's Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies

A couple of weeks ago Gina posted this recipe for her Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies…. I had to make them right away!

June 25 bacon cookies 005

I knew they would be pretty high in calories and in fat grams, so I used only 2Tbs of crumbled bacon and made 10 cookies instead of the 8 that Gina made in order to spread the calorieso out… but my goodness they are the BEST cookies EVER.  I looooooved them.

They are grain free and made with almond meal so they are right up my low carb alley!

The bacon is not obvious in them at all.  Don't be put off if you are not a bacon fan.

 I gave these cookies to The Captain and he liked them but still never has guessed that there is bacon in them.

But what he did like and what I LOVE about them, is that the bacon adds just a bit of saltness to the mixture and really really enhances the dark chocolate flavor.

Honestly!  You MUST try them… go to Gina’s blog NOW and get the recipe.  You can find it on the Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies post.

June 25 bacon cookies 001
Into the oven we go…

June 25 bacon cookies 002
Be sure to let them cool completely cause they love to fall apart.. yeah, betcha can’t wait that long!

June 25 bacon cookies 004

I did calculate the N.I. as I made them and it turns out not too bad, even from a Weight Watcher's eve view!

Per cookie.
Weight Watchers P+ = 4
Calories 124; Protein 3g; Carbohydrate  6g; Fat 11g; Fibre 1g.

What d’ya think?  Would you try them?

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