
Monday, September 01, 2014

Back to Normal After Our Vacation

We had a wonderful vacation in Colorado. Our hosts couldn’t have been more gracious and it was really fun getting to know them better and see where they live and learn more about their lives on a day to day basis… these people are long-time boating friends but we have only ever seen them in social settings on our respective boats… never in our own ‘home’ environments, so flying to Colorado to spend a week with them in their home was very fun and interesting… their lives are so different from ours.

We ate every meal except one in restaurants.  I got very good at selecting nice salads with grilled chicken or other lean proteins on them.  And for the most part, the greens were either iceberg lettuce or spinach leaves.  I think I did pretty well overall though. One evening I had the best Cobb Salad at a small restaurant… and one day at noon I had a wonderful homemade veggie and beef soup at a golf course.  I even splurged and had a giant gluten free chocolate chip cookie, half dipped in chocolate, from a lovely cookie shop in Fort Collins.  Wonderful!

Breakfasts were a bit more of a challenge.  After the first couple of mornings of having scrambled eggs with crispy bacon, I realized I didn’t want to start each day that way. I had packed some protein powders, raw almonds, and fresh fruit in my bag for emergencies… so I dug into that stash, and made myself a little brekkie in our room each morning before going up to greet our hosts and going out for breakfast. That way I could manage to have just coffee in the restaurant and stay happy till noon.  Sneaky, but a girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do to take care of herself, right?

Since we have been home, I have been enjoying some of my favorite breakfasts… such as:

High Protein Breakfast Puff

and also some scrambled egg whites/egg and fruit, with runny PB2 and cinnamon on top.

Egg whites and egg with banana, PB2 and cinnamon

I have also been experimenting with a new microwave cake that is looking and tasting pretty good as well… recipe soon.  This one is chocolate…. MMmmmm.

Chocolate Protein Cake

Are there any foods you particularly miss when you travel?

What is your favorite breakfast?


    two words I love.
    I adore the change and gogogo and travel discombobulations.
    until I dont :-)

  2. Coming back to my own kitchen is my favourite reason for loving when vacations are over. We ate out a ton this summer as well and I must say that I stopped enjoying it fairly quickly...

    I can't live without my morning oats!

  3. I SECOND CARLA!!! ROUTINE IS MY LIFE! Lately I have been living an interesting routine and it's just been very weird to me. But last week was interesting, because I was elbow deep in my final for my master's program (and I traveled this past weekend) but now I am DONE! So now I can get back on my routine!


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