Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Coloring Eggs for Easter... This Year Something New!

It's that time of year again!  Easter or Passover, whatever you celebrate.... it is SPRING and that means rebirth, renewal, rejuvenation.

There are baby goats at the local petting zoo, ducklings on the lake across the street, and I know we will be spotting baby peachicks as soon as their mama peahens bring them out of hiding!  The herons are nesting and the geese are already sitting on their eggs.

I love to make colored eggs for The Captain at Easter.    I normally hard boil them and then use the dyes in my food coloring kit to make lovely pink, blue, yellow, and green eggs... and you can find my method in this post.

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 This year, I decided to try something a little different... yes, the pastel colored eggs are lovely, but once you crack them open, and discard the pretty shell, they are basically just a plain hard boiled egg.
So, here is the surprise!

I have colored the insides of the eggs!
Instead of coloring the shells on some of my hard boiled eggs, I cracked them and discarded the shells and dyed the actual egg instead!
I used a spoon to remove the shell, then rinsed the egg in cold water to get rid of any shell remnants.
Mar 27 Easter Eggs 001

I used the same method  that I normally do to hard boil the eggs and mix the dyes... but I took the shell off the eggs before I dyed them.... just have a look at these beauties!
Mar 27 Easter Eggs 003

 Mar 27 Easter Eggs 006
And when you slice them, they make a pretty presentation... the outside edges are colored but the inside slices are still white.
Mar 27 more eggs 001

And here is another idea for dying them.
If you are going to make devilled eggs, you can cut the eggs in half and scoop out the yolks before dying them... and then they add a really different look to your buffet or lunch table!  What fun and your guests will be so surprised!

 Mar 27 Easter Eggs 004

Mar 27 Easter Eggs 005

The Captain was really pleased when I presented these pretty devilled eggs to him for lunch!
To make the filling, I just mixed the egg yolk with a bit of homemade mayonnaise, and some salt and pepper and used a piece of caper for garnish... very simple.
Do you dye eggs for Easter?
Do you have a favorite devilled egg recipe to share?


  1. Those are so cute!! I love that idea. I wanted to dye eggs with my daughter this week and realized that all of our eggs are brown... I need to get some white ones and try this. :)

  2. So festive! I'm a huge fan of deviled eggs yum! This is a great activity to do with young kids :)

  3. Such a cool idea!!! I love it - colorful food just tastes better. :)

    I have a chive and caper deviled egg recipe that my family swears by:

    They'd be pretty in some blue eggs!

  4. What a fun idea! I haven't colored Easter eggs in ages. Actually, I'm kind of surprised we haven't done that yet with my boys. Hmmm, we will have to change that this year!

  5. What a great twist on an old classic! My kids love to dye eggs but always end up cracking them. This sounds like a much better alternative (plus the colours look so much more vibrant on the peeled eggs!).

  6. I love deviled eggs - what a fun idea to color the whites. So creative!

  7. Very pretty! We just colored eggs yesterday. We did a glitter thing, which turns out to be a pain because the glitter goes everywhere when you peel them. Live and learn! Deviled eggs sound great about now!

  8. Love this!! I don't celebrate but will send to the kids that do! :) Very cool!!!!


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